Well, French people including French bosses love holidays. 这个嘛,法国人包括法国老板热爱假期。
It is not true to say that French people are lazy. 说法国人懒惰是不对的。
Ever more French people are unprivileged outsiders on temporary contracts. 越来越多的法国人签订临时合同,成为享受不到特权的局外人。
And now followed a strange phase in the history of the French people. 现在法国人民的历史上接着出现了一个奇怪的阶段。
Jim: What do you think about French people? 吉姆:你怎么看法国人?
Just as French people enjoy their wine, so the British enjoy their beer. 就像法国人喜欢喝葡萄酒一样,英国人喜欢喝啤酒。
Joan's death caused French people's great indignation. 圣女贞德的死引起了法国人民的极大愤慨。
The Statue of Liberty was a present from the French people. 自由女神像是来自法国人民的一件礼物。
In1066, the Norman French people invaded England. 1066年,诺曼法国人入侵英格兰。
In addition, French people are used to junket friends in social occasions instead of at their home. 此外,法国人习惯在各种社交场合,而不是在家里宴请朋友。
In this new company, Chinese and French people will work together. 在新公司里,中国人和法国人将在一起工作。
French people separate working time and resting time very clearly. 法国人严格区分工作时间与休息时间。
Contrary to foreign belief, most French people have admitted defeat in the struggle with English. 与外国人的看法正相反,大多数法国人承认在与英语的对抗中落败。
The ability of the Nationalists to carry out bomb attacks with impunity has shocked the French people. 民族主义分子能进行炸弹攻击而免受惩罚使得法国人民大为震惊。
There are thousands of young Germans and French people who speak excellent English, have the right to work in the UK and would probably welcome the opportunity. 英语流利的德国和法国年轻人成千上万,他们有权利在英国工作,或许也会很高兴有这样的机会。
It is still observed as a general holiday by the French people. 法国人民仍然把它作为一个公众节日来庆祝。
Those French people without holiday homes often make do with "holiday villages". 没有休假居所的法国人经常用“度假村”将就一下。
French people find this spontaneous phenomenon, which no authority steers, deeply unsettling. 法国人深深地感到,全球化这个没有任何权威引导的自发现象很令人不安。
Some French people believed that any American cultural invasion of their nation would not be successful. 一些法国人相信,美国对法国的任何文化侵略都不会成功。
If you speak mediocre French, you might find yourself speaking it in a business meeting with French people. 如果你会讲一点法语,那么在有法国人参加的商务会议上,你可能会用法语发言。
Surveys show that most French people feel closer to the Germans than they do the British. 调查显示,大多数法国人感觉他们和德国人比和英国人更为亲近。
The French establishment is determined not to let France become an open-air museum, unlike a certain neighbouring country they could mention, and so millions of French people ( including toddlers) are now learning English at TGV-speed. 法国政府决心不让法国成为一个露天博物馆&不像他们可以点名道姓的某个邻国。因此许多法国人(包括蹒跚学步的幼童)目前正以TGV高速列车的速度学习英语。
Last week three French people visited our school. 上周,三个法国人参观了我们学校。
One prominent socialist politician says that the new class divide in France and elsewhere in the developed world is between the rich – including most French people – and the super-rich. 一位著名的社会主义政治家表示,在法国和其它发达国家,新的阶级分界线,是在富人(包括多数法国人)和超级富豪之间。
Although it is a religious building, but it sparking the French people's wisdom, and the reflection of the people for a better life and the pursuit of yearning. 虽然这是一幢宗教建筑,但它闪烁着法国人民的智慧,反映了人们对美好生活的追求与向往。
THE French people have chosen change, and it is change that I will implement. 法国人选择了变革,而且是我主宰的变革。
That is what French people usually do when they meet people they know. 这是法国人遇见熟人时通常的做法。
We also appreciate the generosity of the French people, for their willingness to share these priceless treasures. 我们也非常感谢法国人民的慷慨,愿意与我们分享这些无价珍宝。
Reportedly, more than half of French people who suffer poor sleep think it affects their performance at work. 据报道,在睡眠质量较差的法国人中,一半以上的人认为,这影响了他们的工作业绩。
I am meeting the French people at9:00a. m. 我早上9点得去见那些法国人。